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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quantum metabolism.cmap, QUANTUM METABOLISM 3. A model for Pollack's findings provides further guidelines. a) Every fourth proton is dark and is transferred to the regions outside the exclusion zone. b) Dark matter corresponds in TGD Universe to phases with non- standard value of Planck constant: h_eff= n×h phases at the "magne- tic body" of the system (negatively charged region now). Magnetic bo- dy corresponds in Maxwell's theory to the magnetic fields generated by the system. Magnetic body consists of flux quanta (flux tubes and - sheets). c) If dark protons with say size scale of atomic size reside at flux tubes, one can assume that they form strings forming dark atomic nuclei. Also ordinary nuclei consist of strings of dark protons and strings of neutrons. d) The quantum states of dark protons consist of 3 quarks and a simple model involving rotational symmetry around the axis of dark proton string predicts that the states of dark proton can be ar- ranged into groups which corre- spond to DNA, RNA, amino-acids and possibly also tRNA molecules. Vertebrate genetic code can be realized as a natural corresponden- ce between DNA/ RNA and amino- acids. e) Negatively charged region could define pre-biotic cell and water would be primitive prebiotic life- form. The voltage would be the analog of the resting potentiall. The transformation of dark protons to ordinary ones would liberate me- tabolic energy so that primitive me- tabolism and photosynthesis would be realized., QUANTUM METABOLISM 1. Background about metabo- lism: a) ATP-ADP believed to be the fundamental step. Analogy with power plant. ATP synthase is nano-motor containing rotating shaft. 3 ADPs are phosphory- lated to ATPs per turn, single proton per ATP flows through the shaft. High energy phos- phate bond is believed to re- ceive the metabolic energy transferred from the the flow of protons through the mito- chondrial membrane. b) The nominal value of meta- bolic energy quantum about .5 eV. The Coulomb energy asso- ciated with the mitochond- rial membrane is 50-80 meV and by almost order of magnitu- de too small. The large chemi- cal potential difference is belie- ved to explain the large meta- bolic energy gain. This requires that the process is regarded as purely thermodynamical. Questionable assumption and does not conform with the idea that transmembrane proteins such as ATP synthase act as Josephson junctions. c) The notion of high energy phosphate bond is not well understood. Conclusion: construction of quantum model highly non- trivial challenge but must be faced in TGD framwork., QUANTUM METABOLISM 4. The exclusion region with magne- tic body allows to speculate about what might happen in ADP→ATP process and how ATP might store metabolic energy. a) The strings of dark protons would be analogous to basic bio-polymers serving as the basic fuel of metabo- lics hydrolyzed in metabolism. Basic biopolymerstend to be negatively charged and could be accompanied by dark protons strings and the libe- rated metabolic energy might be stored to these strings. b) Could metabolism have develo- loped from the transformation of dark protons to ordinary ones as the co- unterparts of exclusion zones trans- form back to ordinary water and po- tential potential difference disappears? Generalizing: a phase transition re- ducing h_eff for dark protons could be in question. c) The flow from the exterior part of flux tube to inner portion with smaller value of h_eff in the case of mitochondria? d) The notion of high energy phos- phate bond is somewhat mysteri- ous. ATP is negatively charged and one can wonder whether it could be accompanied by exclusion zone assignable to the negatively char- ged phosphates. Also DNA strands and many other biomolecules carry negative charge due to the phos- phates. Could the metabolic ener- gy be stored to the magneti body of ATP or of phosphate and even- tually liberated by flow of protons to flux tubes with weaker magnetic field. The fundamental role of pro- ton transfer in biochemistry sug- gests this., QUANTUM METABOLISM 5. Does metabolism actually correspond to transfer of negentropic entangle- ment between nutrient A and some fixed system B. Could this system be identifiable identifiable as gravitational Mother Gaia (MG)? a) Negentropic entanglement (NE) would be transferred. Nutrients would be negentropically entangled with so- me thing very crucial for life. MG? Gra- vitational NE with MG would make pos- sible dark EEG, etc... Basic formula is h_gr= GMm/v_0, v_0 the rotational velocity at surface at the surface of Earth. b) Formula generalizes to em case: h_em= Z_1Z_2e^e/v_0 and would apply to ATP synthase being consistent with h_gr=h_em= h_eff. Em flux tu- bes could reconnect with gravitational flux tubes for h_gr=h_em. c) Nutrient-MG NE can be trans- ferred: N-MG → P-MG → ATP-MG→ R-MG (N for nutrient, R for receiver). d) Mechanism: reconnection of magne- tic loops associated with various mole- cules. N/P/ADP/R has this kind of loops. e) Critical comment: I have used to speak about personal magnetic bo- dy. Can this be consistent with gravi- tational Mother Gaia hypothesis? Is personal magnetic body em body with with h_em= h_gr so that it can commu- nicate with gravitational Mother Gaia. Nutrients are dead and negentropically entangled with gravitational Mother Gaia. Does this allow to conclude that during life we are negentropically en- tangled with our em body and in biolo- gical death entangle with gravitational Mother Gaia? This would conform with spiritual teachings. f) In this picture the basic purpose of metabolism would be the transforma- tion of gravitational NE to electromag- netic NE: basically transfer of informa- tion from collective level of conscious- ness to lower levels to be processed and further enriched and to be returned back to MG in biological death: nothing is lost! Biological death itself would be reconnnection transforming flux tube bonds tp em magnetic body to MG., QUANTUM METABOLISM 2. What could be the mechanism of energy liberation? a) Zero energy ontology suggests that mgnetic body is carrier of the metabolic energy in some sense. b) The transfer might not be the really important aspect. The trans- fer of negentropic entangle- ment from nutrient in some sen- se might be of equal importance. c) The liberation of metabolic energy could take place in a phase transition in which p-adic length scale increases and h_eff is redu- ced so that the length of flux tubes is not changed. This induces a co- herent quantum transition in the sense that large number of partic- les can liberate cyclotron energy as cyclotron energy scale is reduced in the reduction of magnetic field strength. As protons flow from thin- ner flux tube with smaller h_eff to thicker one, similar reduction of cyclotron energy takes place and the energy is liberated and would be received by ATP synthase to form ATP from ADP. This mecha- nism could be universal and work also in other situations. d) At quantitative level the h_gr= h_eff connection supported by gravimagnetic anomaly claimed by Tajmar et al and giving support for the hypothesis that dark EEG photons decay to biophotons gives support for the picture. The meta- bolic energy quantum for proton of order .5 eV is consistent with the identification as cyclo-tron energy difference for proton over mitochondrial membrane. The hy- pothesis h_em=h_eff= h_gr makes also sense in the case of motor defined by ATP synthase transforming ADP to ATP.